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You wait until it turns dark. The rebels return with an old car. They tell you that it is going to be the distraction. One of them lights a match and drops it through one of the smashed car windows. The car quickly gets engulfed by flames.

The guards on the border take notice of this. They begin to speak on their radios and edge closer to the car. They are visibly skeptical about the car. They leave their posts and approach it. They make it about 10 meters away from the border gate. 

One of the rebels gives a signal and some begin to run.

A group of 5 rebels start running towards the gate. The police realize this and begin shooting at them. They begin running at them. 4 of the rebels were tackled and captured by the police. One of them was nowhere to be seen.

The rebels waiting with you ask what should they do.

Continue and run through, using the distracted police as an advantage or use the other plan and go through the tunnels.



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