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My documentary is targeted towards younger and older people as it is about Micro-transactions in video-game marketplaces. This would appeal to both young people and older people as micro transactions are in both console and mobile game marketplaces, with older people making up the majority of players in the mobile games market.  The documentary contains all of the information intended as it explains the background of micro-transactions and how they have been adapted and misused by companies to make profit. It also includes information about how governments and government officials are trying to monitor and control the way micro-transactions are used. The style of the documentary appeals to the wide target audience as it is presented in an informative way, with commentary, images and videos use within the documentary to explain and convey the topic. The format appeals to the target audience as it was filmed in 1080p at 30 frames per second in a 16:9 ratio, making it a high quality video. The documentary was well produced as it was filmed with a DSLR camera at 1080p and exported from Premier Pro as an MPEG2. The clips and videos that were used in the documentary were high definition at 1920x1080 resolution. The documentary would be attractive to its target audience as it is presented in an informative way. It cuts between clips of a speaker and images regarding micro-transactions. It is edited in a quick style, so the information doesn't seem disinteresting and keeps the attention of the audience.


I wrote, directed and edited the documentary. I fulfilled the roles well, but should have written the script to be shorter, as over 2 minutes of dialogue was cut to ensure the documentary was 3 minutes long. When planning using the production diary, filming the documentary was supposed to take 30 minutes, instead it only took 20 minutes due to the second take being the one that was used. I met the expectations of the client as the documentary is exactly 3 minutes long, as it was planned to be. I met the requirements of the target audience as the documentary was made in an informative way, including information relevant to the topic of the documentary. My contribution was productive to the documentary as I wrote, directed and edited it. I used the time well as the documentary was finished in around 3 weeks, with filming taking one day and editing taking around 1 week. During the production of the documentary, I kept a production log and updated it weekly, including notes and information about what I worked on for the documentary during the week and techniques and styles of documentary. I also took pictures during different times of the production process to document the stages of the production.

During the production, I made production decisions to ensure that the documentary was successful. During the editing process, I had to remove around 2 minutes of information in order to make it 3 minutes long. I cut the documentary to only include the key information needed to convey the topic of the documentary. During editing the original version of the documentary, i had to re-film the documentary due to the sound not recording properly. I also had to change the presenter in the documentary as the original was unable to film it, so I had to recruit a new presenter. The tone and style of the documentary also changed during the production. Originally, the documentary was going to be in a lighter tone, but I changed it to be more informative and have a darker tone due to the severity of the topic.

During editing, I added the name of the speaker when they are first introduced in the documentary after it was suggested to me. It was also suggested to me to add an image of the map of Singapore when it is mentioned in the documentary. I chose not to include this in the final cut as it did not flow correctly with the other clips in the documentary.  The documentary was produced on budget as the it did not have any costs. The clips that were used were either recorded by myself or used under the Copyright act of 1976, allowing them to be used for criticism, comment, news reporting and research. The music used in the documentary is royalty free, so it was free to use.

The information that was used in the documentary was reliable. I gathered information from sources such as Electronic Arts, The Hawaii House of Representatives and professionals in the industry. The statistics about the rate of loot boxes and the items within them is valid as the information was confirmed to be true by EA themselves when a Reddit user gained attention for releasing the statistics. The information about global gambling authorities planning to ban micro-transactions is valid as Chris Lee, a member of the Hawaii House of Representatives discussed it in an interview on the topic. I kept pages of research about the topic on my website. Each aspect of the topic has a few pages of information on the website.

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