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Confession appeals to its target audience of young to middle aged people. The film has a dark tone and is in the Dark Comedy and Thriller genre as the film is about a man who poisons his wife after he realized she was unfaithful to him. This would appeal to young to middle aged people as they may prefer films in the thriller and Dark Comedy genre, rather than older people that may not watch films in them genres. The style of the film would appeal to the target audience as it contains quick cuts and visual edits, such as colour glitches. These would appeal to the target audience as it makes the film more interesting visually and can make them more invested in the story. The style also appeals to young people as none of the dialogue scenes are overly long. If scenes of dialogue are too long, the target audience could loose interest in the film and feel bored.  The format of the film would appeal to its target audience as it is shot in 16:9 at 1080p resolution. The film is in a high resolution because it was shot on a DSLR camera and was exported from Premiere Pro as an MPEG 2 video file. If it was a low resolution or in a different format such as 4:3, audiences may not want to watch it as the low quality would be distracting.  The film is attractive to the audience as it has visual and audio effects throughout. For example, the visual glitches to emphasize key events in the film and the ticking sound effect to create suspense and tension. These effects appeal to the audience as they make sure that no scenes in the film are uninteresting and make the audience invested in the film and the story.


For the production of Confession, I was the Director and a production manager. I think I fulfilled the roles to a good standard. In our planning diary, we expected filming to last 2 days, with breaks and lunch breaks in between. We filmed the whole thing in around 3 hours and with one break. The time taken on production was shorter than we anticipated as the actors only needed a few takes on each scene and the crew set up quickly and made sure all of the equipment was working properly. Our crew list changed on the day of filming aswell, with Joe being changed out for Jennifer as the sound manager. This is because Joe was not in the day of production. The rest of the crew remained the same, with me as the director, Emma as the production manager, Alissa as the Lighting operator and Abigail as the camera operator. The cast of the film also stayed the same, with James and Skylah playing the lead characters.

When making the film, we followed the plan to use a single camera setup to produce an example of the single-camera technique. We met the expectations of USP Live Creative Productions by using the technique, and forming a production group to put a script into production.

My contribution to the team was productive as I was the director on the project. I planned out the way the scenes would be composed and the way the actors interacted. Each member of the team fulfilled their role and did the job they had. In the time we had to make the film we worked well and used out time efficiently.


In the production meetings for the film, everybody in the group participated and put forward ideas for the production of the film. During the production, we also kept detailed production logs and made correct production decisions. 

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