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As the police are making their way around the car, you and the rebels all begin to run towards the tunnels. One of the police shout, you do not turn around. The police begin to shoot. 

One of the rebels break the chain to the tunnel gates and run down the stairs. Bullets hit the wall around you. The rebels run into the tunnel and shut the gate behind them. You can hear the police on their radios at the top of the stairs. 

You begin walking through the tunnel. The tunnel is brightly lit, with bright lights placed in the ceilings and the walls. You cant see the end of the tunnel due to its length. About a mile into the tunnel, the rebels take a break and catch their breath after the run.

Another mile into the tunnel, one of the rebels in front warns you about a sewer outlet . When you reach it, everybody stops. The outlet is made up of walkways and smaller tunnels.

You approach it skeptically. The rebels follow you. There is a gate on the other end of the outlet. It requires somebody to pull it open with a chain.

The tunnel is quiet. All of a sudden you hear something drop and somebody shout. Police appear from behind the railings on the walkways. They begin shooting at you and the rebels. Everybody takes cover. 


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