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Short films should not normally contain many characters, only around 1-3. They should also have clear and specific goals to reach within the narrative. If there are too many characters, each with their own goals and narratives, the film may get crowded and loose focus of the main narrative. Also, introducing and developing each character may take up too much of the short runtime of the film. If the film contains a minimal amount of characters, each can be developed and reach their goals within the film. Characters in short films should be given a clear backstory.


The Sundance Film festival counts films 50 minutes and under as a short film, whilst the Academy counts 40 minutes and under as a short film. Most short film have a runtime shorter than 15 minutes. 15 minutes is seen as enough time to introduce and develop characters and have a beginning, middle and ending.


Short film storylines are usually simple and easy to follow. If the storyline is too complex, there may not be enough time to expand the story and have a beginning, middle and end. There may be limited dialogue in a short film, with visuals and imagery telling the story.

Short films allow for more creativity and abstraction. Short films are often quirky, made up of creative shots and different soundtracks. Directors and film makers have more creative freedom when making a short film as there is no pressure for it to be profitable. The creators can add a more creative flair when making short films.

Short films are used to convey strong emotions to their audience. This can be humour, anger, sadness or pleasure. They can sometimes make comments on society, morals or situations. Short films are effective at this as they do not give the audience time to think about it during the film, instead contemplating about it after the film. The audience will also have a stronger bond with the characters in the film as they are shown closely.

Short films never usually have a large budget and should be written appropriately. Short films almost always contain a twist in the story to make it more interesting. Some of the story is held back from the audience to keep them in suspense.


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