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A runner is an entry level position in a video and film production company. The runner acts as an assistant, working for the producer and other production staff, doing tasks that are required to ensure the production is successful. The role offers the opportunity to gain valuable information and experience of the production process. The runner is seen as the first step to getting in a role in the film industry.

Runners have responsibilities such as fetching items, helping guests, hand out letters, managing cash, take production notes, hire props and keeping the set tidy. 

Runners can make from £7.50 to £13 an hour, depending on the type of production they are working on. Employers can also pay more, depending on the skills and experience you have. Runners can work often 6 days a week during production. Runners can work in offices and on location, depending on the production process. Runners are expected to be efficient and prompt when working on set. Runners can spend alot of time travelling, doing things such as picking up and dropping people off from places such as airports and train stations. 

Runners need qualifications in subjects such as drama, media, television, film and radio production.

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