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Essex FM broadcasts to the USP college area. To show a 15 second advert during a break in a show costs £99 plus VAT. Radio Essex is a radio station that covers the USP college area. To advertise a 30 second advert, it costs £200. 




The Snickers advert features Rowan Atkinson as Mr Bean. The advert starts with Mr Bean and a group of samurais on rooftops. He is clumsy until he eats a snickers, where he turns into a samurai himself. This advert uses Identification and Imitation as Mr Bean is a well known character and Rowan Atkinson is well known actor. This advert also features a reward. Until he eats the snickers, he acts clumsy and childlike. After eating the snickers he becomes a skilled samurai. This gives people the impression that eating a snickers will make them better and stronger. This advert also uses repetition, as the Snicker's catchphrases "You're not you when you're hungry" and "Get some nuts" are said at the end of the advert. This is because people remember and tend to believe some messages that are repeated to them.


The First Choice advert tells the story of a family who go on a First Choice holiday and are treated like celebrities, with paparazzi taking pictures of them and staying at a 5 star hotel in a tropical location. This advertisement uses emulation and envy as it shows a glamorous lifestyle people desire to have, making people believe they are treated like this when they purchase a First Choice holiday. This advert also uses group identity to promote First Choice holidays. The advert shows the family being surrounded by people such as celebrities, photographers and models. They have used group identity as people have a need to be a part of a group, believing it brings them status and security. They have shown a group of attractive people to make people think that upon purchasing a First Choice holiday they will be a member of the group.



The Samsung Galaxy S radio advert describes the phone by comparing it to a superhero, magical lands and a smile. This advertisement offers a psychological reward to persuade you to purchase a Samsung Phone. The woman speaking about her daughter's smile captured on the phone camera would persuade somebody to buy the phone as it could make them feel like a better parent for capturing moments their children have with the phone. The advert also uses rewards when it mentions that the phone is capable of watching films, listening to music, taking photos and downloading thousands of apps. This is used as a reward as you will receive these abilities upon purchasing the phone.


The Snickers Mr T radio advert features Mr T as a radio host that tells people to eat a Snickers. This advert uses repetition as the Snickers brand catchphrase "Get some nuts' is said during the advert. This has been used as it is a recognisable and popular catchphrase that people can immediately associate with Snickers. This advert also uses punishment, with Mr T threatening and calling people who don't buy Snickers a fool. This is used to make people feel that they are missing out if they don't purchase a snickers. Identification is also used in this advert. Mr T is a famous actor and personality, so people may purchase the product because he is promoting it.

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