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Directors control a film's dramatic and artistic and dramatic aspects and visualizes the screenplay. They guide the the technical crew and actors. The director has a key role in the casting of the films, the production design and the creative aspects of the film.

Some directors start their careers in roles such as screenwriters, cinematographers, actors and film editors. Directors can work in different ways, with some giving the cast a general idea of a story and letting them improvise, and others controlling every aspect of the film, assuring that the cast and crew follow their instructions carefully and precisely.

Directors have a big role in the post-production of a film. When the filming is complete, the director works with the editor, to create both the editors cut and the directors cut. Some directors have 'final cut privilege', meaning that they have the say on what edited version of the film is released.

The director is one of the few roles that requires involvement in the whole production process of the film. The job is considered stressful. 20 hour days are not unusual for a director. The director can also take the role as the editor, writer or producer.

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